Is St. Anne’s School’s resource and information center. It serves school’s community members by providing user-friendly access to printed, audio visual, and digital information.  Its services seek to support all of the school academic areas while providing students with opportunities to develop critical thinking skills, along with the pleasure of reading.

The librarian works with teachers in designing activities to help students access materials to support their learning and expand their information literacy skills.  Kinder to 6th grade students visit the library once a week, according to a fixed schedule.  7th to 9th grade students enhance their inquiry-based research, responsible and analytical use of information and information skills through collaborative projects between subject teachers and the school librarian.

The School community is welcome to visit the Stimson Library at any time for research and for the pleasure of reading.


Stimson library houses around 15.000 titles within its printed collection – in English, Spanish, Guaraní and French- through the following sections: Reference, Non-fiction; Easy, Junior, Young Adult, and Adult Fiction; Paraguayan Non-fiction;  6+1 Special selection; Awarded books;  Teacher  Resources’; and the selected readers for 7th to 12th grade.


Stimson library opens on weekdays: Mondays through Fridays from 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.