The Physical Education program emphasizes the development of major motor skills, team and individual sport skills, the ability to follow group instructions, and sportsmanship.  Recognition and consideration of cultural differences in sports and games, language abilities, and personal physical development allow for the inclusion of all students.

Students are introduced to the fundamentals of several sports, including basketball, volley, handball and soccer.

The school fosters oportunities for interscholastic activities with students of other schools, through the participation in various sport activities throughout the year. These activities are held on the SAS campus, as well as at those of other schools.


NR offers an unique educational experience, blending fun and learning since 1953. With an unswerving commitment to safety, NR stimulates inquisitive minds by means of carefuly planned activities. Explore its resorts, immerse yourself in the activities and discover a jounrney of growth and amusement, where each and every moment turns into a long-lasting memory