The need for a pastoral formation in our school arises in first place, from a need to bring coherence into our lives; thus seeking to be what we say we are and what we would like to be. This formation has a definite finality where children and young adults can learn to know and experience Christ and His Teachings, in the most gentlest of manners. The result would be a personal life project developed from and through our catholic faith, leading towards an integral personal and social formation.

This life project is cultivated in a human community which is inserted in the middle of social, political and economical circumstances. Both with educators as well as students, evangelization has its own levels of depth and demands, which shall set forth from personal choices and never from imposition.

A school's life is not reduced to simple class hours, nor to its academic rhythm. The Pastoral formation (evangelization, accompanying and expression of faith) shall form an integral part of our school's teaching.